
Weekly fundamentals – Manta Pacific is now live on Token Terminal!

Oskari Tempakka

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Manta Pacific a blockchain (L2) platform for decentralized applications on Ethereum. You can access the data across all our products: Terminal (Pro), Terminal API, and Data Room.

deBridge – an interoperability protocol that allows for decentralized transfers of data and assets between blockchains.

Fraxlend – a non-custodial lending protocol built on Ethereum.

Pendle – a permissionless yield-trading protocol built on Ethereum, Arbitrum, BNB Chain, and Optimism.

Silo – a non-custodial lending protocol built on Ethereum and other blockchains.

Terminal Pro

Data-driven insights from analysts using Token Terminal Pro

The top gas consuming contracts in crypto

Excerpt from "The ETH Stake Rate in 2024: What Advisors Need to Know", authored by Michael Nadeau and published on CoinDesk

"Below is a visualization of the fees vs. consensus rewards (token incentives) over the last year."

"As we can see, transaction fees have exceeded rewards for the better part of the year – the sign of a healthy network that can economically support its decentralized network of validators with user fees – rather than consensus rewards (as is the case for every other L1 network today)."

The economics of Uniswap, covered in the Rundown podcast

  • Uniswap's value prop, business model, and breakthrough innovation
  • Use cases for Uniswap in finance
  • Uniswap financials & KPIs
  • How Uniswap is integrating within the tech stack
  • The UNI token
  • How Uniswap's economics change on various blockchains
  • Value capture (will Uniswap launch an L2?)

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Terminal API

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Data Room

Handpicked insights from the Token Terminal Data Room

Year to date, the vast majority of trading volume on Balancer has been from flashloan transactions, overshadowing traditional swap transactions.

Flashloans are a DeFi instrument that enable the borrowing of funds without any collateral, which must be repaid in the same transaction block, allowing for complex financial maneuvers that would otherwise require significant capital.

Currently, there are no fees for flash loans on Balancer (source). This fee structure could be part of a broader strategy by Balancer to increase platform liquidity and trading volume, as arbitrageurs and other traders are likely to bring in more activity when they are not dissuaded by additional costs.

So what
The absence of flashloan fees on Balancer could lead to an increase in the number of arbitrage transactions, as traders take advantage of the opportunity to profit from small price discrepancies between different exchanges or within Balancer itself.

Raw and decoded onchain data from 14 chains, accessible via Google BigQuery. Explore our Data Room offering:


New datasets

  • Trending wallets: displays key data on the wallets which contribute the most to the networks’ current usage, tracking over ten different metrics for each wallet. The data set is filtered by the top 1000 wallets that have spent the most gas over a 30-day period across various chains.

Smart contract labels

Labels make it easier for analysts to understand which market sectors, projects, and contracts drive usage on a blockchain.

Explore trending contracts:


Fundamentals podcast

How Sui achieves +270k TPS: tech, traction, KPIs, building for mass adoption & more | Fundamentals ep.81

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