
Pocket Network - Logo

Pocket Network(POKT)

2.5y ago
320d ago

7d price-7.8%

30d price-45.2%

90d price-72.5%

180d price-84.1%

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What is Pocket Network?

Pocket Network is a decentralized infrastructure protocol (a blockchain) that provides RPC data for blockchains. Pocket Network was founded by Michael O’Rourke and launched in 2020.

How does Pocket Network work?

Applications (or gateways staking on behalf of applications) pay for RPC data requests by staking and burning POKT. Node operators serve RPC data requests for applications and receive block rewards (token incentives) in proportion to their work done.

Who governs Pocket Network?

Pocket Network is governed by the Pocket Network DAO. Pocket Network's investors include Placeholder, 1kx, Arrington Capital, etc.

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