
ParaSwap - Logo


Exchanges (DEX)
3.2y ago
72d ago
9 chains

7d price-12.8%

30d price-25.3%

90d price+41.9%

180d price-2.8%

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What is ParaSwap?

ParaSwap is a non-custodial DEX aggregator built on Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain and other blockchains. ParaSwap was founded by Mounir Benchemled and was launched in 2019.

How does ParaSwap work?

ParaSwap aggregates liquidity from multiple liquidity sources such as non-custodial exchanges, lending protocols and market makers into one comprehensive and secure interface and APIs, allowing users to trade at the best market rates.

Who governs ParaSwap?

PSP tokenholders own and govern the protocol. They currently take a cut of the total trading fees paid by traders (revenue). ParaSwap's investors include CoinFund, Blockchain Capital, CoinGecko, etc.
ExpenseIntegrated protocol's share of positive slippage$50Integrated protocolsRevenueParaSwap's share of fees$100Enables routing transactions through multiple DEXsFeesPositive slippage & integrated protocol fees$100Traders
The values in this graphic are examples and do not reflect actual values. Treat them as approximations.