
AirSwap - Logo

AirSwap (AST)

Exchanges (DEX)






3.1y ago



3.9y ago


5 chains

7d price +9.5%

30d price -11.0%

90d price +42.3%

180d price +54.4%

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What is AirSwap?

AirSwap is a non-custodial exchange built on multiple chains that allows direct peer-to-peer trading. AirSwap was co-founded by Don Mosites & Michael Oved and launched in 2017.

How does AirSwap work?

Trades are conducted between a signer and a sender & AirSwap takes a fee (revenue) which is assessed on the signer amount.

Who governs AirSwap?

AST tokenholders own and govern the protocol. Revenue is currently distributed to a contributor tips pool and a voter rewards pool according to a set split. AirSwap DAO has not raised funds and the company that originally launched AirSwap is no longer operating.
RevenueAirSwap's share of trading fees$100Enables direct peer-to-peer tradingFeesTrading fees$100Traders
The values in this graphic are examples and do not reflect actual values. Treat them as approximations.