
Aave GHO - Logo


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What is Aave GHO?

Aave is the principal architect of GHO - an overcollateralized stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. Aave was founded by Stani Kulechov and launched in 2017.

How does Aave GHO work?

Overcollateralized borrowers deposit funds into Aave and receive GHO stablecoin.

Who governs Aave GHO?

AAVE tokenholders own and govern the protocol. They currently take all of the total interest paid by borrowers (revenue). Aave’s investors include ParaFi Capital, Framework Ventures, Three Arrows Capital, etc.

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RevenueAave's share of the interest$100Allows overcollateralized borrowers to mint stablecoins FeesInterest paid by borrowers$100Borrowers
The values in this graphic are examples and do not reflect actual values. Treat them as approximations.